My Week In Some Words IX

News: After spending an entire week at my Mum's place. I returned home feeling refreshed and stressed free. It was nice clearing my head and spending some time with my younger siblings even though they were barely home. The highlight would be going to my favorite Korean Restaurant! Their Mandu ( dumplings ) and Pajun ( korean pancake ) is literally out of this world! So effing good! Got my little brother hooked on their mandu! He wants to go back just for it.

Plans: I recently got invited to another local Fashion Networking Event! Who would've thought that I would be invited to all these events this year!? I sure didn't. My hard work is starting to pay off even if it's this little I think of it as a big accomplishment. I'm so excited about this year. I have a feeling that it's going to be a crazy yet exciting one.

Shopping: Didn't do any shopping recently so I have nothing to share with you Lovelies. Sorry! I did get some packages in the mail and I did an unboxing video on my snapchat! Maybe I should post them on here too? I ended up deleting all of my Youtube videos because I didn't like the way that it turned out.

Watched: I recently introduced my Mum to " Running Man " and she's obsessing over Lee KwangSoo! My favorite person on the show is Kang Gary. Monday couple jjang! Now she is an avid watcher!

Song Of The Week:

I am You, You are Me by Zico.

Video Of The Week:

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