My Week In Some Words XIII

News: It has been awhile since I actually sat down and wrote out an ' My Week In Some Words' post. Wow that is seriously crazy! So the question I have news for you lovelies? I am planning an awesome blogger meetup with my blogger baes and I can say I am pretty excited about it. As you know photos will be included!

Plans: I am also planning a nice ' Date Day ' with my Mum since we didn't get a chance to see each other this weekend ( I work weekends ). I am thinking of things that I know she will like. Food, Shopping, Alcohol ( wine ) and the Cinema. All the things that I love as well! A match made in heaven!

Shopping: I got some really cute things ' on sale ' at my favorite H&M store! I cannot wait to style them and show you guys! I think it's time for another ' Damn Jia ' post!!

Watched: I saw Captain America on Friday and I died! The movie was so fucking good that I want to watch it again and again and again ( thinking about taking my Mum ). I even went to the extreme of wearing my Captain America tee shirt the next day under my work shirt. I have also been talking about the movie non stop since I saw it as well. Who knows maybe I should just write a movie review on it because it was SOOOOOO much better than Batman vs Superman!

Song Of The Week:

Re-Bye by Akdong Musician

Video Of The Week:

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