There are days when I look back and think. Man what was I thinking jumping into blogging without having any sense of direction. Some days are filled with regrets whilst others are filled with excitement. Knowing that my hard work is paying off.
Let me quickly talk about my last ootd blog post of the year. How insane is that!? Going back and thinking about how fast this year went. The connections I made along with some genuine friendships. The weather here in DC has been on the fritz lately and let me just say I am appreciating it. Even though I said goodbye to some friends and a shit ton of clothing I think in the end like I said it was a learning experience.
I styled this " Winter Layered " look around this Canadian Tuxedo with a pair of chic cropped denim from H&M. These jeans were less than $20 and let me just say the best purchase in the world! Kinda wished I sized down just a bit but unfortunately I didn't so they are a bit big. Happy that I a finally not as stressed and I am losing weight. Maybe I will add fitness to my blog next year. Who knows.
To think that the crazy hectic year of 2016 is vastly coming to an end. I have put together a list of 20 Things I have learned this year ( blogging wise ).
1. Blogger Brunches are the best thing in the world
( it's a way to network and meet new local bloggers )
2. Networking will open some doors for you
3. Not everyone will have your best interest at heart
4. It's okay to say " NO " to collaborations
5. Location Scouting in advance is key
6. Take days to sit down and spend time away from Social Media & Electronics
7. Budgeting
8. Finding something else besides blogging to help with my creativity
9. Exploring the city
10. It is good to go back and see where you started
11. Purge your wardrobe
12. Find your own personal style
( trying to look like your favorite blogger is cool but it doesn't help you stand out )
13. Donating
( I donate all my used clothing to a charity that helps women and children in need )
14. Buy a battery charger!
15. Meeting creative minds outside of your industry
16. Be comfortable in your own skin
17. Dare to branch out
18. Take holiday trips
19. Collab with other bloggers in other cities
20. Organization is key!
I love this layering look. I actually found your blog via twitter and let me just say now I am a FAN!!!