Surprise! This was one of the surprises that I was hinting to you guys on instagram! This is something that I am starting on the blog this year. I will be recapping my week, sharing coupon codes ( who doesn't love saving money ) sharing inspirational quotes & blogging tips!
I started something similar last year but I ended up forgetting all about it. Not this time because I have so much more to offer this time! Main being blogging tips and coupon codes!
Since this is the very first episode... I wanted to share a bit from my last somewhat big adventure to now.
Weekly Recap:
On February 23rd, as many of you already know. I took a trip to NYC to visit the Ocotly HQ to teach a class on how I create my flatlays! This was an amazing opportunity and it was my first time doing something so big ever! So, I wanted to thank everyone that came out to the class & to everyone who tuned in on instagram live! I heard that it was a lot of you guys & I am sorry that I wasn't able to answer all of your questions!
That would be about the biggest thing. I did end up getting really sick right after. Which meant I haven't been able to shoot new content or even leave my bed to create new flatlays. I will be spending the rest of the weekend creating new beautiful ones for you guys! I miss creating them as much as you guys love getting inspiration from them.
My sister visited from San Diego and she brought my niece with her. It was so nice being able to play and laugh with her. She is such a happy baby.
Discount Codes:
I also had the opportunity to collaborate with such amazing brands since the year started and I wanted to share my coupon codes here for those who don't have instagram!
Bad Girl Good Human
- "JIAXO" for 10% off your entire purchase! You can visit their website here.
Uncle Jack Watches
- "JIA25" for 25% off your entire purchase! You can visit their website here! Uncle Jack also just launched in the US so make sure you check them out for gorgeous watches.
I have a few more collaborations and I am working out the discount codes for you guys to shop till you drop. Keep an eye out for those soon! Might be in " Cheers to the weekend ep 2 "!
Blogging Tips:
So, you want to start a blog but you don't know where to start? Easy! Follow the 3 steps that I am about to share with you! I will go into more detail in ep 2! I don't want to bombard you guys with anymore words.
1. Research
2. Know your niche
3. Know your audience
I will go into more depth about those next week!
Words of Encouragement:
" Know your value & your self worth "

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