August Recap

 Hello September,

Hello blog. It has definitely been awhile. A lot has definitely happened since the last time I wrote anything. I don't even remember the last thing I talked about on the blog. That's how long is has been. There is a lot of things that I definitely need to catch you up on. 

First thing being that I am legally married now. I cannot believe that I am saying something like that. I was never the one who wanted to get married let alone have kids and here I am planning a future with the man that I love. 

We got married back in April and have been adjusting to married life for sure. It's also our first time living together that was something else we had to get used to as well. I can say it has definitely been an interesting experience for sure but enjoyable nonetheless. We share a lot over on our couple YouTube channel. Documenting from when we began our long distance relationship to us living together. We will also be sharing the cultural differences and what's it like as well. 

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