Last Stretch

38 weeks & counting. I cannot believe that we are in the last stretch of this pregnancy. Last night it was intense. Hubby and I both thought that I was going into labor because I was having such strong pains in my lower abdomen. The pain was so persistent I didn't know whether or not it was contractions or just pains. Baby strawberry was moving around so much yesterday so I think she's okay in the moment. 

Granted it is a whole new day. I am currently sitting down on the couch since hubby told me that since she can come at any moment now. So, I am sipping on an iced coffee & hoping to feel her move around. Deep down I think that I might not feel her move around as much today since she was on a mission yesterday. My belly did drop a little bit lower as well which is another indication that YES she can come at any given moment. My hospital bag is packed and it's sitting in the trunk of the car at the moment. We have to put the base for her car seat back into the car this week as well just in case she wants to make an early appearance. 

We're pretty much finished her room as well. I do have to wash the sheet that her bassinet came with again just in case she decides to bless us early. We have one more ultrasound appointment then she's HERE! I still sometimes cannot believe that I am having a baby. I am still freaking out on the inside but I know hubby and I are going to be great parents to our little strawberry. 13 more days until our official due date <3

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