I have been blogging for a while now ( almost 2 years ). I actually started on Wix.com couldn't for the life of me get it to cooperate with me ( plus I kept getting hacked ). I then started completely over on Wordpress.com and enjoyed how simple it was. It gave me everything I needed to start over without a hassle. When I wanted to be able to really express my creativity I decided that self hosting was the way to go. I didn't have guidelines and I could really make my blog my creative outlet.
Many people think that bloggers live this glamorous lives and that it is easy for bloggers to get sponsorship or invited to events ( parties ) or that blogging isn't just a "job".
Want some insight into the life of a blogger!?
Know Your Worth
There are brands that will constantly reach out and ask you to work for free. Sounds good right? Exchanges of goods for service, just for a bit of recognition. I would say if you are just starting out that will sound amazing but if you have much of a following I will definitely say Don't Be Blinded By Free Products! Sometimes it is okay to help you get your name out there. Always saying yes to free items doesn't pay the bills.
Consistency Is Key
This is rather important for your followers to come back and read your content for a reason. Well because they like it and obviously want more. One of the best ways to grow your platform is to constantly create, produce and develop more content!
Hard Work Makes The Dream Work
Whoever said blogging is easy? I can confirm that it is not. It is important to start blogging NOT thinking you will make it big overnight. That wont help you succeed. Go into blogging because you are passionate about it and you love creating content. The work is hard but if you work hard you will constantly be improving. It takes time to grow your blog! You will spend years investing time and money into it before you really see anything. When you get there it is so satisfying!
Social Media
We are living in a digital age and Social Media is huge. Being a blogger you are constantly " working ". Yes, all the events and the parties seem fun and trust me they are with open bars but you are still working. Sharing on your Social Media outlets and recapping on your blog. You always aim for that perfect photo!
Down Days
There are days when I though I should have given up blogging. All of my free time goes towards my blog. Finding locations, planning outfits and meeting collaborations deadlines. There are also days when I don't feel like creating any content and I feel stress free. But then I remember how much I love blogging and I couldn't imagine doing anything else. Having down days are normal in my book. Perfectly normal...
When you see community you automatically think " Blogger Babes ". I have made some actually genuine friendships since I started blogging. Even though my first ever event was awkward. Everyday though it gets better and I am able to network even better.
Parties & Partnerships
I could def say that there is some glam behind all the hard work. I think if I never started blogging I wouldn't have built connections with certain brands. My favorite events are with open bars!
I can say the industry sure is creative. Party in a warehouse? Yes, please. Gone shopping before or after store closing? Check and check! Some of the coolest things have happened to me since I started blogging.
The People You'll Meet
One of the things I cherish the most are the people I have met blogging. I have met some of the most amazing hardworking individuals. Blogging is so rewarding.
Interested in blogging?! What are you waiting for!? Start blogging already! You won't be disappointed!
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