Making A Cameo Appearance

Washington, DC, USA

I am getting really bad at blogging now. I went from having 10+ blog posts scheduled to barely having the energy or the creative mindset for writing out 1. I need to get back into the habit of sitting down with my cuppa & attempting to write some out. When do I have the time? 

Between working , my side projects & losing my creative mojo...I feel like now is the time for me to be taking a break rather than forcing myself to write something. I am pretty sure all of you my lovely readers understand. It's hard sometimes. I keep telling myself I am going to write out a blog post...don't get distracted & what do I do? Get distracted. I worry about everything else & neglect one of my most important things to me. 

So, I am writing this short post to let you guys know that I am BACK! I won't break my blogging promise to myself & I will create some exciting content for you guys.

Thank you so much for sticking with me through my creative blockage ( is that even the correct thing to say? ). Enjoy my first look back to blogging.


Tee: F21 | Blazer: Boohoo | Jeans: H&M ( but I cut them myself ) | Fedora: F21 | Bag: F21 | Shoes: Zara | Sunnies: F21

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