Oh hello there my dear lovely readers! The first day os San Diego is always super chill. Why? Well mainly because of jetlag and the fact that I am/was super exhausted. I don't want to go hiking, do touristy things ( yet that is ) and I surely don't want to do that much walking in the heat.
Today started a tad bit late because for some odd reason my Niece didn't want to sleep. Around 3 am though she finally stopped crawling around my face and passed out. How...I think she just started winding down after awhile even though it was way past her bedtime!
Our first stop was Aldi to grab a little bit of groceries before getting everything else from Walmart. The funny thing is...even though we eat out sometimes. We tend to cook more when we travel to save money for other things like...hiking, aquariums etc.
Then we visited this amazing Salad Buffet called 'Souplantation' ( okay even I know that the name is weird ) but oh my goodness the salads there ( you can create your own and it's all you can eat which includes soups and dessert. This is a restaurant that my Mum and I will be visiting again before we leave to go back to Washington DC.
We ended the day with a scenic drive and just enjoyed the gorgeous weather. I can definitely say that I have a cute little video coming to IGTV soon! Tomorrow will be so much better! My Mum and I have a few things planned and I was debating on whether or not I should share them on instagram stories but then I wouldn't have anything to post for IGTV!
Who knows! I will think about everything when I wake up tomorrow! Sorry about my super short and boring post. I promise I will have more exciting things for you guys!

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