December Goals | Blogmas Day 1

Happy start of Blogmas everyone! I am so excited to actually be writing out a blog post everyday for you guys! I am also counting down to my birthday but we're going to get into that in another post. I really don't want to overwhelm you guys with long posts during Blogmas since I am already going crazy with posting everyday. I want you guys to tune in not go away.

My December goals are super simple! I think I will do the in list form to save time and to save you guys from reading so much because you know me....I can ramble on & on...& on haha.

Becoming Happier

This is basically self explanatory! I have been feeling really down and uninspired lately but I told myself that I am going to keep pushing through it because my happiness is right around the corner.

Maintaining a clean apartment

I am the worst when it comes to keeping my apartment clean. Why? Mainly because since I blog and I get alot of products to post apartment is currently covered in tons of PR boxes and not to mention all the items that I used to create my flatlays. I normally jump right into editing as soon as I am done so I just forget until the next day. I work better in a clean apartment so that is my goal!

Cook more

I used to cook a lot and I loved trying new recipes but with my depression came the need to not do anything that I loved anymore. I was constantly staying in bed facing the wall tackling my inner demons but I am in a way better place right now and I cannot wait to start sharing recipes with you guys!

Starting my Resolutions NOW

I am starting to dislike waiting until the New Year to start new resolutions. I told myself that I was going to start them now. Now to figure out what they are and start them lol. I think I should have them written down somewhere by this upcoming week and of course I will share some of them with you all!

Going into the month on a positive note

I am not really a negative nancy but lately I have been a little negative and it was scaring me a bit. I am normally the one that always gives people the benefit of the doubt but I have just been in such a shitty mood and I know that triggers these negative thoughts. That is going to change ASAP! Also I wont be holding onto all the negative things that people have done to me this year. I am going to forgive and learn from this year.

Being more adventurous with food

If any of you guys know me in person you would know that I am EXTREMELY picky when it comes to food. I hate trying new things and I end up always ordering the same damn thing over & over & over. I kid you not. I think I want to change that! I want to taste what the world has to offer!

Stop leaving my clean laundry in the basket

This is the biggest thing that I do! I will literally wash my laundry then leave it in the laundry basket for about a month and just dig through it and take out what I need! I know that some of you are probably like 'yeah I do that to' and some of you guys are judging me very hard right now and that is completely okay! Why? Well because I am definitely judging myself as well.

Call people who I care about more

I hate talking on the phone. I feel like my conversations are always about nothing and I also dislike those awkward pauses because you both don't know what to say. Yeah, I decided that I am going to change that. Even it's to say hello or ask how they are doing. I am going to make it a priority to call someone I care about often.

Sing more

Random fact about me...I sing. I wanted to be a singer when I was younger but when I realized that I have an insane amount of stage fright so I leave all the singing within the 4 walls of my apartment and of course the shower.

Stop hoarding beauty products

This is a BIG one for me because I do get a lot of Beauty Products to post on my instagram page and I end up hoarding a shit ton of them on my desk! I do invite my family members over and they go through and take what they want & I get to keep all the ones that I love. I will be adding a few of my current rotation in another blog post!

See there! Super simple and things I know that I need to work on! Nothing to hectic right just little things here and there. Also you can shop my outfit down below!

Happy first day of Blogmas lovelies! I cannot wait for you guys to read tomorrows post!

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