Happy Blogmas!

This is the first time that I am actually doing Blogmas! To be perfectly honest I didn't even know that it was a thing. I have always known about Vlogmas and I was tempted to actually try it but then I remembered that I am crazy awkward infront of the camera sooooo that went out the window pretty quickly. I might surprise you guys with a video here and there when I get in the mood or if I ever get in the mood but until then...I am very excited to do Blogmas for you guys.

I know that I have been slacking on my blog posts and I am seriously super sorry about it. I have been giving all of my attention to Instagram and have been neglecting my blog readers. I feel really really bad so this is where I came up with the idea to try out Blogmas this year.

I want to also give a big shoutout to my blogger babe Marj for this new laptop! My old laptop started giving me problems and she had her old one just sitting there collecting dust! So, this is my first blog post with my new laptop! I can definitely say that I will be writing more now that I have this new baby!

Stay tuned for tons of awesome content coming your way lovelies!

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