Why I took a step back from blogging

Man oh man I never thought that I would be writing this post again. I told myself that I was going to keep writing but in the end I neglected my blog & placed all of my attention on getting back into Youtube. Which is failing by the way. I still don’t understand the ins and outs but I am still going to post videos on there praying that I get used to it.

I honestly don’t even know where to begin with this post. Should I start with the good or the bad? Happiness or sadness. There are so many thoughts swirling around my head that I just want to get it all out & maybe feel a little better.

I guess I will share the good that has happened this month first. I recently reconnected with a friend from high school. We haven’t seen each other in 10 years so it was really nice grabbing lunch with her and catching up. It literally felt like no time had passed between us at all. We even realized that we never fought or had an argument when we were younger. Let’s be real we are pushing close to 30 now but it was just nice talking about the past, the present and the future. I don’t I think that it was something that I needed. There will definitely be more get togethers in the future as well.

The ending of January into the beginning of February was not the best for me. So, when I got an invite to go and create my own candle...I said hell yes. I was invited to Paddywax Candle’s new location in Georgetown where we got to create our own candles & pick our own scents. It was actually the first time I have ever done something like this so it was a memorable experience. Their whole location was so aesthetically pleasing that I cannot wait to go back.

Overall the best thing about this month would be meeting Ruth Carter. We actually hosted her & styled her new collection with H&M. It was such a fun event & I am thankful I was able to meet her. She has such a kind soul. I definitely look forward to working with her in the future!

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