Working From Home

I am not sure about anyone else but I am feeling all over the place. Every morning I wake up feeling different than the previous day. I don’t feel as motivated as I should feel in fact I have been feeling pretty low. Don’t get me wrong...I had my fair share of working from home before the pandemic but I was able to work in coffee shops, meet up with friends & walk around the city.

The days seem to blend into one another. I am actually working on creating more content for my YouTube channel & it feels nice just testing out my creative juices on a new platform. In all honesty though...I do miss my first love. Writing. Blogging was my first creative platform & I feel like I should get back into writing more during this pandemic. 

I want to definitely develop new habits during this pandemic. I found that making lists helps. Anything that gets me to write helps. I started exercising again & I have been feeling great about it. I take walks around my neighborhood for fresh air & to just stretch my legs. Being cooped up indoors all day can definitely put a damper on my mood. 

Currently there are a lot of apps are free right now since a lot of people are either working from home or have unfortunately been laid off. Hopefully, I will get back into writing more even if it’s just sharing some of my inner thoughts, home wish lists, spring fashion lists etc. 

I love being open with you guys on here ( & over at @lelondonchic ) on my little space on the internet & I hope to continue to keep it up from now on. 

Keep Safe🤎
