Our BabyMoon in San Diego

San Diego, CA, USA


A baby moon is something I never thought I would be going on one in my entire life. Hubby and I decided to take a baby moon before baby girls arrival. As I am writing this I am currently sitting in bed 34 weeks pregnant. It's just insane to say it out loud let alone write it down in a post. In terms of pregnancy update...baby girl is already head down gearing up to make her entrance into the world. I have some pelvic pains which is apparently normal so who am I to complain but as of right now I am definitely taking it easy for the upcoming weeks. 

Okay, now let's talk baby moon. We decided to go to San Diego for our baby moon & I wanted this trip to be more of a chill one. Whenever hubby and I go on trips we normally jam pack our itineray so we can see the most out of where we are going but not this time. We had to be a little considerate of me because I was nearing the end of being 7 months pregnant.  

Overall I really enjoyed our trip. I loved meeting my husbands family & now were contemplating moving to California so our baby girl can grow up around her cousins. I know that my daughter has cousins on my side of the family as well ( my 2nd sister has 2 kids ) but I did marry into my husbands family and I would love to incorporate her Korean side as well. 

I don't want this post to be so long but I hope you guys enjoy our vlog recapping our trip and time there. 

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