3rd Trimester


Hello it's been awhile since I have written anything on the blog. I still want to thank everyone who still reads my posts. It's crazy that I am in my 3rd trimester. It feels like in the beginning ( 1st trimester blues ) that I was wishing for my pregnancy to go faster but now that I am gearing up to the end of my pregnancy I'm like 'holy shit'. Am I ready for this baby? Okay more like are WE ready for this baby? It's crazy to think that tomorrow I am going to be 29 weeks pregnant. We're currently planning out our baby moon to San Diego. I've been to SD numerous times when my sister was stationed there but this is going to be the first time I am going just for a vacation and not to babysit. 

Hubby and I have been nesting for baby girl but since he caught covid we had to be apart until he's better. Which sucks cause I really wanted to work on her room this weekend. Like putting her shelves up, her name etc....but my husband's health comes first. 

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