
Hello Monday.

I always get excited when Monday rolls around! Why? Well because that means a new blog post & who doesn't love reading a new blog post!

There are days where I get dressed and just walk around the city. I find that sitting in the house constantly trying to come up with blog ideas can make anyone go mad! Which I why I made Compass Coffee my home and I go there to write.

For this post.. I thought I would give you guys a bit of an update. So, I will be in NYC on Wednesday and I am pretty excited. I normally go to New York City quite often but this time I am going to an event which means I get to meet more amazing creative ladies in the big apple!

Another update would be that I am hopefully going to get back into vlogging. I stopped because my life was a bit on a downhill slope but since I made some life changes....things have gotten better. I am happier and I am in a good place.

There is a quote that I have as the background of my phone that just gets me as well.


Button up: H&M

Jeans: Forever 21

Denim Jacket: Forever 21

Fedora: Forever 21

Sneakers: Rocketdog

Sunnies: Sunglass.La

Coat: Uniqlo

Bag: Outlet Mall


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