Why I am OVER Summer

Sweat and sadness. That's what I think about when it comes to Summer. It legit makes me so depressed that I cannot think straight. Not at the moment though because I am currently sitting in Compass Coffee sipping on my usual BUT in a reusable cup that I bought off of Amazon. It was recommended by another blogger/graphic designer that I follow on Instagram. Her name is Jamie ( you can check out her instagram here )  and she always recommends items that I love and definitely need in my house. Plus who doesn't want to save the planet!? If you guys want to reduce how much plastic cups you use from all of the coffee that you drink that I have placed some below. The one I am using however you can buy here

Wait...I am getting a little bit off track but I really did want to share that little tid bit you guys. The main reason I am over Summer is because I am ready for pullovers ( light knits ) and booties. I dislike sweating ( unless I am at the gym or hiking...mainly something that requires me to sweat ) especially in a cute outfit. Pit sweat isn't sexy and the funk that comes after once your deodorant wares off isn't pleasant. I am ready to walk around the city in the evenings with a cool breeze. 

I am ready for Hot Chocolate ( but lets be real I will still be drinking Iced Coffee even with cooler/colder weather ), Ramen and other delicious food that eating in the Summer is a terrible idea! 

My personal style for Summer is definitely more towards the comfort, stylish and very VERY minimal! I do not follow the less is more rule unless it pertains to my jewelry. I hate being hot but since my very MASSIVE wardrobe purge...I have gotten picky with what I wear and how I style them. I kept basic minimal pieces that I personally know wont go out of style. I want to be trendy but all of the trends that are currently coming around aren't me and they were never me. I think I wore animal print ONCE in my life and it was a maxi dress. I wore it on a date then never wore it again. My Summer staples definitely consisted of basic tee shirts, midi skirts, ripped jeans ( skinny & culottes ), sneakers, and my fav jewelry ( currently obsessed with gold ). 

I personally think that this is the last post that I will be writing until September. Who knows though. There is an event that I am going to tomorrow ( currently writing this from Compass Coffee to post today ) and I might write a recap or post a shit ton of photos for you guys to view. I haven't actually decided yet. The best thing about blogging on wordpress is the fact that I can blog from anywhere with the app. Which saves me from having to drag my laptop around all the time. 

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