I haven't done a "Beauty Tuesdays" post in what seems like FOREVER and I know some of you guys ( well a lot of you guys ) miss them. I have gotten quite a few DM's asking for some skin updates after using certain products. Like Bliss, Biore, Chi haircare, Osmosis etc. Well, I am writing this post to let you guys know that I am getting on that! A new month means new promises that I WON'T be broken this time! That's a promise. See what I did there!?
Right now...the current Facial products in rotation are definitely Saturday Skin ( which I have reviewed before and you can read here ), Bliss ( I wrote about here but will be doing an updated review ) and I recently added Biore into the mix. I have actually used Biore before and it's one brand that I have been using since I was a teenager. If you are looking for a brand that doesn't break the bank then Biore is for you!
Bliss is one brand that I have been using for months now and they keep blessing me with new products when they come out to try and I am not complaining at all. Hence why I have another review coming next week!
As you guys know...I have to be EXTREMELY careful with what products I use. I don't want to break out and I haven't had any scalp issues in a while which is definitely a blessing. I think that I have now narrowed down what beauty products work for me and ever since then I have NOT looked back!
As many of you guys know...I get gifted a lot of these products but my thoughts are 100% my own and I just wanted to clear that up. I don't always write positive reviews about each products I use because lets be real. If a product I use makes me break out, burns to use etc then I am NOT going to write a review saying that the product is amazing because then I would be lying to you guys and that's not what my reviews are about.
So, with that being said. To kick off bringing back "Beauty Tuesdays" the first post will be about Bliss! Before I took my trip to San Diego..I got a few packages from Bliss that I was so excited to take with me. The first package contained 3 different cleansing sticks. A Cold Pressed Cleansing Stick, No Dull Days Cleansing Stick, and the Oh My Gommage Cleansing Stick. I was so excited when they arrived before I left for San Diego and they were the perfect traveling size as well. They were that great that my Mum decided to take one for herself. She snagged the Cold Pressed Cleansing Stick and she actually loved it ( this is a woman who dislikes trying new products ). I mixed between other 2 to test them out but I found myself leaning more towards No Dull Days Cleansing Stick. The smell and how soft my face felt after have ALWAYS been a deciding factor for me.
Each stick is around $15 for 1oz. I know for some that might be a tad on the pricey side BUT I personally think that the No Dull Days Cleansing Stick is definitely worth it.

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