Favorite Holiday Activities | Blogmas Day 6

Oh yay! You guys have made it to day 6 & I am beyond excited! Thank you for putting up with my rambling posts talking about my memories which doesn't make anyone reach for the tissues! Which is good because even though I want to share more personal things about me...I don't want to make anyone sad in the process! I want everyone to read my stories and go 'oh hey, I have done something like that before'. I mean let's get a little real. As a kid of the 90's we had to get very creative because we didn't really have a lot of the things we have access to know and let me tell you right now technology has definitely come a long way!

My older sisters and I ( I am the middle of 5 by the way ) used to basically live outside. My Mum was VERY strict since she was a single Mother ( widow ) raising not 1 but 3 girls alone at the time. Like I said...crazy! Anyways, my sisters and I were always getting into something. Whether it was fighting over not wanting to eat a bloody donut ( I don't mean an actual bloody donut ), being put into the trunk of a car, cursing for the first time at private school, being chased by a bull...you know I can go on forever. The gist of it is...my sisters and I have A LOT of activities that we used to do but I think the biggest one and my favorite one would be when we would sing Christmas songs together. It was when we forgot about fighting and disliking each other and just actually act like sisters.

We would wake up in the morning, open our gifts and watch Christmas cartoons all day with our Mother. I think that if I could go back in time I would want to relive those moments where there was no yelling, fighting or disagreements but just pure bliss and happiness.

Well that's it for day 6! See you guys on day 7!
