Winter Memories | Blogmas Day 5

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire....jack frost nipping at your nose...

Did you guys actually sing my opening sentence or just read it normally? Well if you sang it then you aren't completely devoid of Holiday cheer. I know that is probably a very mean thing to say...and I know deep down I should take it back BUT I really don't want to. I am telling myself that this is going to be the best Christmas ever because I am going into the New Year on a positive and healthy ( still will be consuming my junk food ) mindset. With that being said..I wanted to share maybe like 1 or 2 of my favorite Winter Memories with you all.

You guys might probably think it's weird but I look at it as a way for you guys to get to know me even more! Completely different mindset to what I was thinking a few months ago. So, what gut wrenching memory will I share with you guys in todays post...? To be I am writing specific memory is coming to mind. Which is insane because I have tons of memories it's just that maybe...I am suppressing the happy ones at the moment? Who knows...I mean maybe subconsciously I want to keep those certain memories treasured or maybe there is something wrong with me and I just CANNOT for the life of me remember!

Okay, I am not going to lie. I had to save this as a draft and walk away from it. I needed to pick someone brain because seriously nothing was coming to me and it was beginning to get on my bloody nerves.

It was a few years ago and I decided to go up to NYC to celebrate my birthday. For all of you guys who don't know...I am actually a winter baby so I guess that itself is a great memory. Being born lol. I was saying...a few years ago ( more like 2 years lol ) I visited NYC  to celebrate my 24th birthday. I know NYC isn't really something special especially if you go all the damn time like I do then it wouldn't come off as special in any way.

We had lunch at one of my NOW favorite restaurants in Koreatown and 1 I speak a little Korean so I love ordering my food and conversing in Korean! 2 we ordered Bokkeumbap ( it's kimchi stir fried rice with eggs & cheese ) Rabokki ( Ramen and Tteokbokki mixed it spicy ) Veggie Pajeon ( Korean Pancake ) and it was the best Korean food I have had ever! They also served Su Jeong Gwa which is a cinnamon punch to wash your palette after and oh my god! I asked the manager where I would be able to buy some and he told me they made it ( he said this to me in korean ) and I ended up finding it in the local Lotte Market so HA ahjussi!

Anyways...talking about food is making me hungry so I am going to power through this post and go get some takeaway!

To continue the day...we went shopping which I loved but I don't shop much anymore unless it's for basics that I can wear each year. We grabbed coffee at this korean coffee spot and I had the best Bingsu of my life. Then as we were winding down the began to snow. So, on our way back to the bus s

top we stopped by this little park that had this tree that was light with these gorgeous blue lights. I am not sure what came over me but I just felt a sense of peace and happiness there. Even though it was ridiculously cold and I couldn't feel my fingers BUT all of that left my mind because it was just really beautiful.

When we got back to DC I felt a sense of emptiness and I wasn't sure why but non the less I think that day was probably one of the best Winter Memories I have.

Stay tuned for Day 6! Not the singing group by the way. I also know that...that was very corny but I don't care!

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