Happy Monday loves!
After celebrating Mother's Day this weekend and well the weather currently being bipolar. I thought it would be cool to sit down and write out a couple blog posts for you guys. Obviously reviewing coffee shops are back on my radar seeing as though I have actually visited a few new ones. I actually don't have any excuses as to why I don't publish my posts anymore and I have the app on my phone to write on the go if I don't bring my laptop along with me so at this point I really have NO excuses.
I wanted to talk about a new little spot that my love Marj and her hubby Julian told me about! The spot is called Chez Lily Coffee. They were having a promotion for $1 drip coffee and $3.99 for their signature flatbreads ( the cauliflower vegan flatbread was a bit more ) but I definitely had their amazingly delicious Earl Grey Latte which I will definitely be going back for another day and maybe to get even more beautiful interior shots of the spot. Seriously just thinking about the Earl Grey Latte is making my mouth water for another one. ASAP!
I ordered a basic cheese flatbread and even though I felt like it could have been in the oven a little bit longer cause the cheese was a little underdone but overall it wasn't that bad. I will definitely be going back to write a better review and really experience the space without a time limit.

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