Why I am not making any New Year Resolutions

Can you believe that it will officially be 2021 on Friday!? I cannot even begin to digest how quickly & yet slowly 2020 has gone by. Covid struck us hard. Working from home became the new norm and honestly that’s another reason why I decided not to make any New Year Resolutions. I don’t want to stress out if I don’t accomplish them and think little of myself. 

I want to go into 2021 with a better mentality of life and slowly get back to my love for creating content. I want to feel the happiness I used to feel when I first started. I have that feeling now when I am creating content for my YouTube channel. 

I honestly think my 2021 will be more YouTube focused. I want to get better at creating content on different platforms. I hope that everyone has a Happy New Year and don’t be pressured when you don’t make any resolutions for the upcoming year. 

Also, I will REALLY buckle down on writing more for the blog. 

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