People say that babies are a blessing & I happen to be one of them now. I think it's mainly because I am pregnant. As I am writing this post...I am officially 20 weeks. It feels so insane to say it because I honestly didn't think we were going to make it this far. That was because the first trimester kicked my ass and I was over it.
We had our anatomy scan around 19 weeks and 2 days. Crazy to think that we were able to see how much bigger our baby had grown since our 7 week scan. Now I can feel our baby moving around and even kicking me. In Korean culture is custom to nickname your baby and we decided on the nickname baby Channie since at the time we didn't know the gender BUT now we know!
So, I am proud to say that baby Channie is a GIRL! I cannot believe that I am going to be a girl mum.
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