I am currently writing this on a gloomy Monday afternoon after making spaghetti and turkey meatballs. It was very delicious by the way and Baby Yoo is doing her usual wiggling around in my tummy. I will say now last week. I started feeling her more without needing to put my hand on my belly and it's so WEIRD. At first I wasn't sure what the feeling was and was a little panicked but now omgawd just knowing it's her and I can feel her so much more now is so surreal.
This week Baby Yoo is the size of a small squash. Even as I am writing this she is kicking me so much right now lol. My silly little active girl. She loves the sound of her Appa's voice for sure & I will admit that I am jealous lol!
Hubby and I also uploaded a new video to our channel. I am just happy that her room is coming along. Albeit slowly but overall it's happening. We've gotten so much clothing for her at the moment & organizing it has been so much fun. The weather has been warming up FINALLY so now hubby and I can take evening walks together and just enjoy each others company. This weekend I am going to try and convince him to deep clean the house with me before he leaves to go to Korea next week. He doesn't want to go since I cancelled my trip back home and he doesn't want me staying home alone but I told him that I will be alright. He said that if I wanted to I can take a trip driving distance for about a week but I told him that I was going to think about it,
I am not sure what I want to do yet.
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