Summer Hues X Saturday Morning Breakfast

Hello Lovelies!

Happy Monday! I honestly find it so much easier to cue up my posts now! I am not sure why I never thought of it before! It saves me a lot of time so that way I can start working on other things for you guys! Part of me feels so bad cause I really enjoyed sitting down and writing out my blog posts  on the given day but I will be able to do a lot more for you Lovelies!

Can you believe that it is already next week?! Just means I have to work on the girly posts even faster right? No worries I will be keeping my promise to you Lovelies and Le boyfriend ( who I know is an avid reader of le blog ).

This look is Summer Hues Look number 3! I had a lot of fun styling this. I normally prefer Rompers over Jumpsuits but there was something that stood out to me with this jumpsuit. I think that jumpsuits make me look shorter or fun size as I continuously tell le boyfriend. Which his response is always laughing in my face and standing on his tippie toes to become taller.

Back to the jumpsuit I found myself lingering towards it because of the shade of blue. Almost looks white in the sun and it screamed SUMMER! I think that Forever 21 has really gotten better with their selections and wide range of clothing which now fits ALMOST everyone's needs. As you Lovelies clearly know I am a frequent buyer at Forever 21. I honestly don't think I would ever stop.

Denim Jacket : Thrift Store ( similar )

Jumpsuit : Forever 21

Fedora : Forever 21

Clutch : Forever 21 ( similar )

Sunglasses : American Eagle

Shoes : Bakers Shoe Store ( similar )

Jewelry : Charlotte Russe ( similar necklace )

I don't like plastering a lot of makeup on my face. 1. Foundation 2. Eye Shadow 3. Eyeliner 4. Nude Lip-gloss. I sometimes try to mix it up and add a bold lipstick here and there or I wear natural lipstick that gives my lips a little pink glow. This look I was going for natural. Take my face in for all its glory! LOL!

Until Next Time Lovelies! <3

















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